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#342815 - When I opened my eyes I was surprised by what I could see, no longer was I blinded, now I could see the room I was trapped in, a large white box with a large mirror on the far wall, I could see my own body again, bruised from my restraints, the chastity cage was still firmly fastened to me, though now it was plastic and coloured bright red, in my ass I could see a heart shaped ruby but plug and my mouth was covered with a tight leaner strapped gag, a dildo gag that tickled the back of my throat when I ran my hand over it, I gagged. I had lost track of time between the numerous sessions of torture, I hadn't seen or heard El since the first day. They had all been in this thing and watched her grin as she took a twisted pleasure in torturing us.

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Sayuri daimon
Leave the bra on and lay her on her back for a pearl necklace