Doujinshi | Manga | English | Netorare | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#313778 - Faux leather stockings stretched just over her knees, and the platform heels she wore glistened in the dim warehouse light. Once they each had their drink, Rich ushered Angel into a VIP booth next to Riggz, who had a girl on each side of him, one chewing on his neck, the other looking extremely bored. Rich knew he wasn’t invincible, he knew if Angel wanted to take him down; she had the courage and the will power to do so.

Read Gay Skinny Little Master Fantasy - Fate grand order Les Little Master Fantasy

Most commented on Gay Skinny Little Master Fantasy - Fate grand order Les

Nina antalk
Man we need to take classes from this guy jerking off first notes right after
Akane kotonoha
Wish my girl would do this