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#314038 - Gretchen lay back onto the cushions, one knee up and the other less-so & askew, her body propped as if she were at rest with a good book; Maggie lay flat on her tummy, her face nestled close between her daughter’s spread legs and they arranged their hair behind their ears and said things between them only they could hear and giggled some more and generally did nothing – Maggie’s head up close and her hand firm on Gretchen’s thigh, high and inside, either holding her open or holding her off – neither of them sure of when to begin. To her right, as yet unmentioned and still colorfully boxed in its cardboard and bright cellophane, lay a ridiculously huge dildo she knew to be no novelty gag: “14 inches long! 4 Inches Wide!” if not for the straps & buckles it should have been only a joke. Gretchen then lay over Bridget and they made short work of munching each other’s muffs – Eleanor now servicing her mother seated wide-open in the lounger, and after she’d made Maggie, Gretchen stepped in

Read Cocksucking Igai to Amaenbou nano desu ne - Kantai collection Orgasmo Igai to Amaenbou nano desu ne

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Sakurako ohmuro
Matutupad din ang iyong hiling balang araw babe
Really deserve an oscar bro
Mrrl grgr mrllrlmlmrrlmrgllbaba